Financial Planning guide book to assist military

Jack McMenamy is a man who knows the intricacies and difficulties of military life, and more importantly, the myriad of details soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines face when they’re planning their future.

He’s now making available, free of charge, a Financial Planning Guide Book that can serve as a road map for military families who are contemplating staying in the service, or getting out, or planning for retirement.  The book answers questions about Veterans Administration Home Loan Guarantees, the Survivors Benefit Plan and the Veterans Group Life Insurance.

McMenamy has spent more than 25 years as a financial services representative, and can walk people through how the Survivors Benefit Plan affects military retirement pay, including aspects of the plan that are not particularly palatable to military families.  He points out alternatives to different plans, and how to understand them before making potentially costly commitments.

A copy of the Financial Planning Guide Book can be requested by email at, or by calling 080-6483-6481.

  • Guest

    SCAM! There is no information about the actual company. My husband and I received a call saying we won a gift certificate and someone would drop it off. An older man came to our door and almost demanded to talk about this “financial plan” and was very rude and pushy when we said no! He is not legit and he did give any actual information about who he works for or anything and I have no idea how he even got our contact information! He has had many complaints!

    • Erik Larson

      How do you know that the man offering the Financial Planning Guide Book is related to the man who called you? Also you accuse SCAM! without any details how there is a scam involved. The article says to email or call for a book and you say you were the one called. Also you say the man has many complaints without backing that up either. What is the relation between the article and your comment please.

  • Erik Larson

    I received a Financial Planning Guide Book from Mr. Jack McMenamy and he helped me and my family plan for our future. He was not rude or pushy, he was very professional and presented us with options to protect our military financial benefits.

08:19 04 Oct , 2024