Marine Lieutenant arrested for refusing breathalyzer test

Okinawa Police arrested a 27-year-old U.S. Marine officer, Sunday, after he repeatedly refused a breathalyzer test after being stopped by police.

According to Okinawa City Police, a police patrol stopped the car driven by 1st Lt. Jens Murray, stationed on Camp Hansen, after they noticed him driving fast on a street in Sunabe, Chatan, about 3 a.m. on Jan. 25th. The police asked him to submit to a breathalyzer test, but he repeatedly refused, and the police arrested him.

  • WaychulDon

    Way to lead by example!

  • bob

    good going Lt, you showed them.

  • MickMc

    Must keep in mind that today’s young “leaders” are products of today’s entitled youth. As the US military gets more and more entrenched in political correctness we can expect to see more and more members emerging from the entitlement-minded Millennial generation of coddled kids who expect to be rewarded whether they have actually done anything worthy of reward. Not to say that all of our youthful leadership are of the same ilk but instead as a heads-up on what to expect in the future. Scores of young officers, from the Academies to the missile fields, just plainly and simply are not the caliber of leaders that we have had in prior generations. (In case anyone thinks that I’m a disenfranchised enlisted man let me assure you that I joined as an E-1 in 1970, and in 1980 traded in a line number for E-8 for butter bars. So I’m speaking from experience on both sides of the issue).

    • Del Ihle

      Mick – I totally agree with you. Also true of a number of NCO’s. During my visit last year I observed many “Y” number tagged (US) cars not yielding to pedestrians, following extremely close to the bumper of slow driving LN’s, and speeding up to run yellow lights. In one instance the driver barely missed an old Okinawan Grandma pushing a walker. It scared the sh*t out of her! A number of our personnel forget that they are in Japan and not at home. Its Okinawan’s country, not ours. On the other hand, the vast majority of US personnel respect the island, and enjoy their assignments. 10 or 20 years from now, they will reminisce how great Okinawa was, and how much they miss being there.

      • MickMc

        Good to hear from you, Del!
        Yeah, no matter where you go there will be idiots. It’s just the human condition. As for running yellow lights – when I was there a year ago (my gosh! It’s been a whole year!) I noticed while toolin’ around in my rental car that almost no one slows for yellow and you can expect traffic to continue passing through red for another 5 seconds or longer. So, if someone were to actually rapidly brake to make the red light they’d probably get rear-ended. But, back to your point, yes, there will be morons and malcontents everywhere you go. Thankfully they come in all sizes, genders, colors and nationalities so we Americans aren’t the only boobs out there!

13:58 27 Jul , 2024