Naha – Ishigaki airfare to rise from April
The price of airline tickets between Naha and Ishigaki is expected to skyrocket on tickets purchased on the day or two days before the departure in April when the now-bankrupt Skymark Airlines withdraws from the route.
Currently, the lowest fare one way between Naha and Ishigaki is ¥9,900, and it is expected to increase to between ¥21,000 and ¥26,000. The current lowest fare on Skymark flights is charged for flights on the day of boarding through two days prior.
Solaseed Air of Skynet Asia Airways is scheduled to start the same route when Skymark withdraws. However, the carrier has set the fare at ¥10,000 for tickets purchased three or more days before departure. The regular fare to be charged from two days before through the day of departure is set at ¥21,000.
According to a circular notice of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the existing two companies that continue to fly the route, ANA and Trans Ocean Air, cannot price the fare under new entry companies. So the fare on the route between Naha and Ishigaki is expected to increase.