Data book on wages in Okinawa published

Boken-O, a company that publishes job information magazine ‘J-warm’, has published its annual book on actual wages paid by Okinawan companies. The book called ‘The average wage based on job information magazines on Okinawa Data Book 2015’ went on sale Mar. 1st.

According to the book, the average hourly wage among the total of 180 types of jobs in 17 business sectors of local companies in Okinawa, increased ¥13 per hour to ¥827 over the previous year.  The company calculated the average, minimum and most common wages based on announced wages at 3,373 companies that sought employees in local job information magazines between October 2014 and January 2015. The company has conducted the survey and published the book about the same time every year since 2011.

According to the figures in the book, the hourly wage increased by ¥447 to ¥1,373 in the IT and computer related sector. That was the highest increase among all sectors.  The hourly pay increased In 11 out of 17 business sectors compared with the same time of the previous year, while the pay went down from the last year in medical, welfare and education jobs.  The tourism sector is the only one that has had an increase every year since the first survey in 2011.

The average monthly salary of all jobs decreased by ¥389 to ¥160,524 from the same time of the previous year.  The biggest drop was in call centers where the average monthly pay decreased by 17,994 yen.

The data book is sold for the price of ¥231 (tax excluded) at local convenience stores.

08:07 13 Feb , 2025