Okinawa LDP to nominate Aiko Shimajiri chairperson

The Liberal Democratic Party of Okinawa informally decided at their meeting, Sunday, to bring in 50-year-old Aiko Shimajiri, a LDP Upper House member, as the next chairperson of LDP Okinawa Chapter.

70-year-old Okinawa Prefectural Assembly member Kosuke Gushi will be appointed the secretary general,.

The LDP Okinawa Chapter will officially endorse the decisions at its next general meeting in April.  The chairman’s post has been vacant since last November when 60-year-old LDP Upper House member Kozaburo Nishime resigned to take responsibility for the LDP defeat of the gubernatorial election. Shimajiri is the second longest serving incumbent parliament member in the LDP Okinawa Chapter after Nishime.

01:45 07 Feb , 2025