Apr. 16 ~ 22
The planets are now aligned in a way that creates a happy, romantic, artistic and creative aura around you, and you are perfectly positioned to have a very nice weekend. However, before you start to relax and take it easy, there are some matters that you have to bring to conclusion. If you don’t, they will come to haunt you sooner than you think, both at home and work.
If you are living in a steady relationship, you are very likely finding yourself setting a very critical eye on your partner, and also casting a doubt on your own true feelings. Seeking solitary escape from your everyday feelings seems attractive to you, but physical activity could be a better remedy to this situation. Just wallowing in your own thoughts would not do any good.
The weekend promises to be quiet and you can relax but from next week things are going to get hectic. If you think about it, there are already clear signs of growing tensions both at home and work. As the days go by and you are not careful, the situation could really become explosive. So the best advice is to handle with care, and keep your eyes and ears open.
Everything you have postponed or ignored is going to come crashing down on you, if you don’t wake up. You must set all daydreaming aside, and take a strong handle of the situation no matter how complicated it seems to be. Other people’s schedules may get messed up, but you have to keep yours up to date, and follow up with everything you promise to take care of.
Your romantic relationship is going to enter in a calm and peaceful period, and some rather pleasant surprises are waiting for you. Especially, something in your social life is going to put a big smile on your face, Many small parties and gatherings with your circle of friends do wonders to your spirits. Some good news concerning you work will also add to the positive mood.
Avoiding everyday hassle and stress succeeds best if you just throw yourself on the lap of laziness. Leisure, hobbies and relaxation invite, and as a result, your ability to concentrate on your work suffers. Luckily that’s only temporary. If you take full advantage of the weekend, you are ready to go and face any challenge come Monday. The weekend could be interesting romantically.
Libras can expect more than their share of frustration and obstacles over the next week, but luckily the planets also offer an answer to the problems. There are many projects that seem to have no prospect of going forward just now, and nothing is likely to change in a week or two. It would be a good idea to come up a second plan to which to switch when going gets tough.
As planet Mars is moving away from your quadrant, you have to figure out a way to manage your life without the extra boost Mars has provided. The upcoming spring and summer party season with all of its BBQ and beach activities promises to keep you busy and excited, although the rest of this month could be a bit of a drag, and you should not expect too much of it.
You are working hard and that is going to bring its rewards. Just make sure everything is organized. Pay special attention to your intimate relationship, as the time you are going to be able to spend together seems to be limited. The summer is almost here, so maybe planning a good beach party would be a good idea to start the season on the right tone.
You should notice that too much work and too little leisure could take a toll on your wellbeing. The planets are currently not in a position that would give you a lot of extra energy., so the time is not right to squeeze more in your schedule to try to get more results out of your job. You best bet would be to balance your work with frequent visits to the gym or jogging path.
Your situation will require extra effort, but short nights and long days won’t last forever. You should take in as much rest as you can this weekend as the coming week will put you to the test. Quiet and calm is what you are going to appreciate most after a hard day’s work. Partying and having fun to the wee hours is something you have to put off for now, although it’s time will also come.
You should listen carefully to your inner voice, as this is a period that is especially sensitive requiring intuition and insight to many questions regarding your life. Many important social events are waiting ahead and you must take extra care not to mess up your schedule. The most important thing is to keep your feet to the ground and not to promise what you can’t deliver.