Man hanging to car roof brings woman attempted murder rap

Ginowan Police arrested a 27-year-old woman, Friday, on suspicion of attempted murder.

According to police, Yumino Futenma, an unemployed woman from Sobe, Naha City, is suspected of driving her car with a 20-year-old man hanging to its roof for about five kilometers in the evening of Apr. 17th. Futenma allegedly had a minor collision with the man’s car on Ginowan bypass near the Convention Center, and did not stop but drove away from the site. The man gave a chase and caught her on a nearby store parking lot.

When the man attempted to talk to her about the accident, she took off again and the man jumped on her car. She did not stop and the man kept on clinging to the roof of the car. After driving over five kilometers to Isa on Highway 58 she finally stopped, the man still on the roof.

Ginowan Police say that they decided to investigate the incident as an attempted murder because, “The man could have died if he fell off the car. This is a vicious offense.”

Futenma has admitted to the charges.

10:28 27 Jul , 2024