There’s ‘Music in the Air’ this weekend

Although the title is ‘Odd’, the music is not, and it’s free at the earliest music festival of the year in Japan.
Seventy bands and 30 deejays are tweaking their repertoire for the year’s earliest open air summer music festival, and the best news is that it is a free open air music event.
The difference compared to other open-air music events is that this one is absolutely free. Usually, large-scale open air music events cost ¥3,000, and sometimes more than ¥7,000 to attend. However, this is free because the organizer wants to make it easier for people who love music but are not able to spend money on events, such as children or students, to attend, and wants more people to feel music and arts closer to them.
On top of that, there are so many good Okinawan bands! One of the organizer’s aims is to let people who across the island to get to know these musicians in Okinawa.
There are a variety of genres, including punk, rock, ska, reggae, dub, hard core, metal, blues, folk, rustic, jazz and more. Musicians and bands from both Okinawa and elsewhere will gather together. What is more, musicians who play on base will be there.
It’s a day & night event Saturday and Sunday, beginning at noon. The event site is Okinawa City Municipal Sports Park, just off the Okinawa Minami Expressway interchange. Several areas will be used as live stages, dance areas, shops, food stalls and an art gallery for artists. At the event, people can use so-called ‘odd land coins’ at any stores as real money. Visitors will feel like they are in a fantasy of Odd Land. There is also have camping area for ¥1,000.
A full list of performers of the event are listed on the festival website. http://cxhx6.com/odd/act.html. Okinawa City Municipal Sports Park, surrounding the bull fighting ring, is located at 2-1-1 Moromizato, Okinawa City.