Dental clinic deregistered from insurance coverage

Kyushu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare Okinawa Division officials have deregistered an Urasoe dentist from authorized medical insurance institutions.

According to officials, 48-year-old dentist Akihiro Hitsuchi of Rabbit Dental Clinic is suspected of fraudulent medical service fee billings. The total amount is about ¥1.72 million yen concerning treatments 92 patients between December 2013 and April 2014 alone. The Bureau’s Okinawa Division continues its investigation and will call for Hitsuchi to return the money once the investigation is complete.

In October 2013, the Okinawa Division of the Kyushu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare and the Okinawa Prefectural Government conducted a joint administrative guidance campaign after many suspected fraudulent billing cases came to light. Officials interviewed patients, and conducted an audit of the dentist.

When confronted with the evidence, officials say that Hitsuchi said he “wanted to gain mode income.”  Because of the deregistration, Hitsuchi is not allowed to re-register his private practice with authorized medical insurance institutions for five years, meaning any patient seeking treatment from his office is not covered by the Japanese national health insurance.

16:08 20 Sep , 2024