Female prefecture office administrator nabbed for embezzlement

Officials of the Okinawa Prefecture General Affairs Bureau held a press conference, Saturday, at the Prefectural Government Office to reveal that a female office worker at the Naha Prefectural Tax Office had embezzled at least ¥4.8 million during the fiscal 2014. The suspect woman has reportedly admitted to the charges.

The embezzlement was exposed on May 17th after the woman was transferred to another office, and her successor realized that something was amiss with official documents detailing the money outlay record.  The woman has reportedly indicated that she would return all of the money she stole.

According to prefectural government officials, it’s presumed that the woman had used the official seal of the office cashier controlling the payments without approval, and had created false documents to pay out public monies.

Prefectural Government officials are investigating the motive of the woman and her background, and are considering appropriate disciplinary actions including filing a criminal complaint.

  • bob

    mizo soup and rice for about 4yrs.

    • Chuck Mason

      Mizo soup is delicious!

      • bob

        depends which ditch the water came from

00:16 06 Oct , 2024