Governor Onaga prepares to take his case to Washington
Prefectural government officials announced May 11th that Governor Takeshi Onaga is scheduled to travel to the U.S. for five days to express directly to U.S. officials, politicians and opinion leaders the prefecture’s opposition to the plan to relocate the MCAS Futenma to Henoko.
His five-day schedule starts from the 27th of this month and Governor Onaga is scheduled to meet people in the U.S. Government, Congress and think tanks who are directly involved in the planning and policy related to the U.S. forces in Japan and Okinawa. He is planning to make a case showing the strong opposition of local people in Okinawa to the base construction in Henoko. Onaga plans to call for a re-evaluation of the relocation plan, and ask for understanding of the Okinawan demand of giving up the base construction.
Prior to his visit to Washington D.C., Onaga is slated to stop by in Hawaii and have a meeting with Hawaii Governor David Ige between May 27th and 29th.