Large rally opposing Henoko plan held in Tokyo
About 15,000 people took part in a large demonstration in Tokyo on May 24th protesting the construction in Henoko of a replacement facility for MCAS Futenma.
The protesters demanded Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to give up the construction, and closing and relocating the MCAS Futenma out of the island. During the protest, demonstrators formed a human circle around the Diet building. Similar circling of the Diet was held in January when about 7,000 people participated in the rally.
Participants to the protest started gathering about noon. Starting at 14:00, Nago Mayor Susumu Inamine gave a pep speech to the crowds. Diet members from Okinawa, students, musicians and civic groups spoke at four places around the Diet building, and just after 15:00, demonstrators joined their hands and surrounded the building in a human circle.