Survey finds Okinawans to be heavy drinkers

According to a survey on Okinawans’ drinking habits that covered 32,772 men and women aged 20-69 living on Okinawa, more than 9.5 % of them, or about 85,000 of those who took part in the survey, were deemed to be abusing alcohol. That is about three times the national average.

By gender, 14 % of men and 4.6 % of women were found consuming in excess of the national average of alcohol respectively. The men’s figure is 5.7 and women’s 2.3 times the national average.

The survey, titled ‘AUDIT’, was conducted in three locations of Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centers in Okinawa between December 2014 and March 2015.

The survey was the first extensive survey related to alcohol intake ever conducted in Okinawa.

  • matt99

    They needed to do a survey to determine this?

  • matt99

    Proud to wear it.

  • ewacloser


13:54 20 Jan , 2025