Woman arrested for stabbing father to death

Yaeyama Police arrested Kazumi Sato, a 46-year-old female restaurant worker, on Jul. 1st, on suspicion of an attempted murder of her father, 75-year-old Zensho Higashiyamamori. Police later changed the charge into a murder because the victim died at a hospital of his injuries.

According to Yaeyama police, Sato stabbed her father on chest with a kitchen knife around 11 p.m. on Jul. 1st after a quarrel in their apartment in Arakawa, Ishigaki. Sato had lived together with her parents in the same household in Ishigaki City.

Sato told investigators, “I could not stand his regular verbal abuse and violence toward my mother. I did not care what happened to him.”

At the time of the incident her mother was at home asleep. After stabbing her father, Sato called the emergency number by herself.

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11:08 27 Jul , 2024