Okinawa remains popular destination for school trips

The Prefectural Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports released Aug. 20th the statistics on school trips to Okinawa in 2014.

According to the department figures, the number of schools whose student groups visited Okinawa in 2014 increased by 59. The number of students and teachers, who took part in the trips, increased by 14,625 to 450,959.

The data was collected from tour companies dealing with the school trips. High schools accounted for the largest proportion of all schools. 1,725 high schools comprising 67.5% of all schools organized a trip to Okinawa. That is an increase of 4.2 % compared to the year before. The second largest group was junior high schools, which made up 30.8 % of the total with 787 schools. The number of junior high school students visiting Okinawa decreased by 2.7 % to 100,668.

17 elementary schools took the trip bringing 943 visitors and nine vocational school groups with 843 participants. Two college student groups and 15 special schools also took the trip.

Most schools visiting Okinawa came from Tokyo, both for the number of schools and students, followed by Osaka and Kanagawa Prefecture.

15:11 20 Jan , 2025