‘Silver Week’ gives Japanese 5-day break

As the Respect for the Aged Day, a Japanese holiday is observed on Monday, Sep. 21st, the Autumn Equinox Day, another Japanese national holiday is on Wednesday, Sep. 24th and the Japanese law stipulates that if there is only one non-holiday in between two public holidays, that day becomes an additional holiday making Tuesday a holiday, too, most workers through the country have a reason to hoot and holler with joy.

That means that as they leave their working places Friday afternoon, they don’t have to come back before the following Thursday.

This is an occurrence that does not happen every year. It’s appropriately named “Silver Week” to distinguish it from the annual five-day “Golden Week” in May that can give people as much as 10 days off on some years.

For Japan Update it means that we cannot publish our print edition next week as the printing presses are closed, but we will keep people informed on our website that we update regularly throughout the holidays.

14:48 20 Jan , 2025