Two Marines held after entering parked car

Okinawa City Police arrested two Marines, a 21-year-old Corporal and 20-year-old Lance Corporal, both stationed on Camp Foster, on suspicion of attempted theft, Nov. 7th.

According to police, the two were found rummaging through a car parked on a street in front of a store in Chuo, Okinawa City, Friday. The 64-year-old owner of the car who also owns the store noticed the Marines inside his car, and went to ask what they were doing in his car.

When he confronted the Marines, they bolted away. However, three airmen from the Kadena Air Base, stopped the marines a few meters down the street, and the car owner called the police. The Marines were reportedly drunk.

Police suspect that the two had entered the unlocked car with intention to look for valuables. Police say that both of the Marines have denied the charge, and insist, “This is wrong,” and “We have no reason to steal anything.” However, they have not been able to explain why they entered the car.

11:05 27 Jul , 2024