New Year falling on weekend dampens air travel
The main domestic airline companies running regular flights to Okinawa, JAL, ANA, and JTA all announced a decrease in the year-end holiday season reservations. Only RAC that flies routes between Naha and the prefecture’s smaller islands, and Skymark, a carrier currently under rehabilitation from bankruptcy, announced slight increases.
According to numbers provided by the carriers, the total number of reservations decreased 5.3 % compared to the same time period a year ago to 419,232. All companies attributed that to the fact that the three days of the New Year, Jan. 1 though 3, fall to a weekend from Friday to Sunday, and that gives nation’s workers only one extra day off.
The number of reservations on the main routes between Naha and Haneda, and airports in Kansai district such as Itami, Kansai Airport and Kobe, are down from the previous year.
The busiest days on flights from other prefectures to the island are Dec. 29th, 31st and Jan. 1st, and the busiest days for return flight are Jan. 1st and 2nd.