Discovery of norovirus halts school lunch service

A worker at a kitchen that prepares school lunches in Uruma and Okinawa cities was confirmed infected with norovirus, and the lunch service was halted at 10 schools for the time being.

Some students at the schools were sent home early on Jan. 6th, and from Jan. 7th students at some of the schools have been told to bring their own lunch while other schools have contracted a private food company for catering service.

There have been no complaints of poor physical condition from school students or teachers.

According to Uruma City Government officials, one of the cooks working at the kitchen making school lunches for the Gushikawa area went to a hospital due to feeling sick, and subsequently norovirus was detected in that person. Although the person was not involved in making the school lunch on Jan. 6th, officials in charge halted the lunch service from the same day as a precaution. Rice and milk that had not been in touch with the kitchen were served as normal.

14:05 27 Jul , 2024