
Jan 21 ~ 27


It may be that you have felt somewhat listless during the first part of January, but now is the time to shape up. You will encounter several new possibilities at your work, and that will also spice up your private life. Especially this weekend could prove to be very interesting. Avoid doing anything half-baked, but make sure that everything is done thoroughly.


You should now concentrate on you job in order to stay on the right track. You have many ideas, but you also have to put them into use. Stay realistic and avoid looking at the life through pink glasses, as that would be waste of time, money and possibilities. Pay attention to practical tasks. They could feel dull and boring, but nevertheless, they are necessary for your daily life.


You have some very ambitious dreams and hopes that you think constantly. You still haven’t found your true happiness, but you will if you only care to look for it in the right places. Do not try to fix something that is broken as you have a brand new piece right in front of you. Romance will come into fore next week, but first you should concentrate on taking care of your finances.


This is a period that you can give inspiration to people around you. They want to follow in your dynamic footsteps. There’s someone who’s waiting for either a question or answer from you. If you are not yet ready, be honest about it. Even if you are afraid of hurting this person’s feelings, show respect and be courteous. That would cost you nothing, but you could gain a lot.


You are now in a position that you can choose your own path to follow, so make your choice with care. Becoming frustrated could cost you both time and money. If you need new inspiration, taking a break somewhere away from your usual environment would do the trick. It does not mean that you have to travel far away, only that it’s something new and different.


You have to make some quick and hard decisions before the end of this month. While you are looking for solutions, be ready to stand firm behind your beliefs. If this looks somehow confusing, take time to relax in the evenings and over the weekend. The main thing is not to let anyone else to disturb your peace. Keep your privacy, and avoid negative and pessimistic people.


It’s easy for you to make promises this week, but to make them come true is another matter altogether. At least you should pump up your energy level and be ready to get working. There’s nothing in sight that could stop your success at this time, so you should have no reason to hesitate. Many of your plans will get restarted, and you feel much happier than in the past.


It would be good to keep a low profile through the weekend, and you should avoid intense arguments and conflict as much as possible. You may need some help to make the best of opportunities that are coming to your way, and that’s the reason to start making your own social networks right away. Make a careful and detailed plan, and then follow it to the letter.


Your biggest trump card is the wealth of ideas you can come up with. But you should find some new ways to cope with familiar situations. If you wait for someone else to do it for you, you are sure to miss your opportunity. It could be difficult to concentrate as you are busy at work, but you should still find time to pay attention to your money, and have time for your loved ones.


Do not avoid making decisions. You have plenty to give to the world. You should be ready to exceed your limits and aim high, as just now you can only win. You could find something missing from your romance. The remedy would be to pay more attention to your lover. Hold hands and massage shoulders. You don’t need words, just to be close is enough.


You could feel a little listless at times. You should ask your friends for help in order to make sure that your business is taken care of. Do not think that a slow start means that it will always be this way. Planet Venus is now in a position that will give a boost to your love life, especially this weekend. Just think carefully what you really want, set the goal, and then go work on it.


A plan that you started but has been slow to take off is finally getting to speed, and that is sure to make you happy. You are able to control the situation and the reins are well in your hands. But do not fail to take care of the needs of your lover in the middle of all the activity around you. It’s very important to try to keep some kind of balance between spheres of your life.

14:22 27 Jul , 2024