Marijuana lands SOFA dependent boy in jail

Okinawa City Police arrested a 16-year-old dependent son of a SOFA employee on Jan. 30th on suspicion of violating the Cannabis Control Law. The boy works part-time and is living in Yomitan.

According to police, an officer asked the boy to voluntarily accompany him to the police station on Jan. 29th on suspicion of a theft at a commercial facility. When investigators went through his belongings they found a small amount of marijuana.

The police then raided his home after obtaining a search warrant, and found more marijuana in the house. The boy reportedly has admitted to the charges.

Police are now investigating how the boy had obtained the pot.

  • WaychulDon

    He obtained the pot from an Okinawan! Now investigate that and make sure the results are published.

    • bob

      wow genius and you can prove that how and tie it an Okinawan? get your racist self and attitude out of Okinawa and don’t forget to take your cape and hood

    • Jonathan


  • Kim Pennebaker

    Kick him off the Island. Mom and Dad can do what they have to. Maybe he’ll land in Colorado where they will welcome his love for the stuff. Although the stealing will not be looked at kindly. On second thought maybe he needs to do a little time in detention in Japan to let him have time to think about what he has done.

    • bob

      agree..ship his rear out and off the island, definitely don’t need more bad publicity

    • Jonathan

      youre an idiot

10:24 27 Jul , 2024