Runners invited to Nanbu Trim Marathon

The 28th Nanbu Trim Marathon is scheduled to take place Sunday, Mar. 20th. The trim marathon was first organized in April 1989, and has by now grown to become one of the largest family sports events in the southern part of the island.

In Okinawa, more than 30 various marathon competitions are held each year. The Nanbu Trim Marathon consists of six races; half-marathon and 10 km, 5 km, 3 km, wheelchair and family races. Participants also have a chance to win an invitation to run Singapore Marathon and Sapporo Marathon, and a visit to Tokyo Disneyland.

On the event day, there will be some ‘Yuru-kyara’ mascots to promote municipalities on the island, and entertain children.

Organizers are accepting registrations until Feb. 12th. Details of the event in Japanese are on the event website.

20:44 17 Feb , 2025