
Mar 17~23


This is very smooth period in your life in general, and everything seems to go the way it should. So, just go on with your daily routines the way you have been doing. It’s impossible for most people to know everything from your background, and some people can be outright pesky, but you have no reason to pay much attention to them. Nobody is perfect and everyone has bad days.


Dark clouds have mostly disappeared from your horizon, and accordingly, your mind feels more peaceful and light. You should put aside time for deep thoughts. Family and everyday life should be the focus of your thoughts. If you think about it, you will see that you have been really lucky in your life. You should focus on the future and forget about disappointments of the past.


Although you at times have an urge to escape into your wonderful world of dreams and imagination, it’s not very practical nor does it pay much dividends. You have now a good chance of success, but you must stay awake. Luckily, it’s not in your character to miss anything that happens in the background, but this time you have to be especially alert.


Just now it would be a good idea to make your daily routines as simple as possible. This would help you to get rid of a nagging feeling that somehow you are unable to make the best of situations that you encounter. It’s not always easy to be optimistic in the middle of worries. Taking on domestic tasks that require concentration would help you to forget about small stuff.


You should be ready to be spontaneous and creative this weekend. You must let your thoughts fly free even if it seems to be difficult. Once you forget being so much afraid and worried of everything, you will feel free and rejuvenated. It’s really refreshing and fun to let yourself just go with the flow once in a while, and that’s exactly what your need just now.


You are human, and that means that, at times, you have your suspicions. But just now you are exceptionally confident. And why, you ask? Because you simply have every reason to be so. Some opportunities that are coming to your way are going to take your by a complete surprise, and you even can’t believe they are true. But you shouldn’t, you have earned it all.


Sometimes you have this feeling that you would like to control the whole world. Or maybe not the whole world but you own piece of it. Although you are the first to admit that such a thought is pure fantasy, sometimes even fantasies come true. You are not afraid to push forward matters that are important to you. When you think about your future, it should not be scary.


Although you want to follow and act according to your own beliefs, you would very much like to have someone confirm that you do it right. Nothing is hundred percent sure, but in this case, you can trust on your intuition. Listen carefully on your peers, as that would help you to time your proposal right, and then you can trust that it will be accepted and acted on.


If you feel like certain people are going out of their way to spoil your fun, you may be right. There are plenty of people who are jealous of successes of others. But you should not care for it. Just put the pedal to the metal on your race towards your goal, as you have no reason to doubt that you will succeed in the end, even if those others try their best to cast doubts on the outcome.


It’s doubtful that you would be surprised of the amount of invitations for parties this weekend. But as soon as you realize that this is a fact, you should take the reins in your own hands and organize everything the way that is best for you. It would be waste of time to wait for the others to wake up and act. It’s good to be a little selfish sometimes and with a good conscience.


There will be new bright spots in your life shortly, but you have to clean the table at your work, and make sure that you talk through everything that you have intended. Failing to do so, stops you on your tracks, and then that would start to bother you. There’s not much you should change in your life, but only you can make sure that everything is done right.


When you are in the middle of trouble it’s all too easy to get others involved in your own problems. Of course, its only natural to talk about it, but don’t expect anyone to come up with a simple clean solution. When you talk about human relationships, it’s often difficult to find the golden middle path, and only you know all the background in your own business.

11:01 14 Feb , 2025