Prefecture sets up IT-based tourist guidebook

The Prefecture Urban Planning and Monorail Division has made a multilingual combination of a guidebook, website and Internet application to encourage foreign visitors to take advantage of the Okinawa Urban Monorail, also known as Yui Rail.
In order enable tourists to access the service the division has placed QR codes on guide boards at 28 points in the vicinity of Yuirail stations.
The guidebook introduces sightseeing destinations and commercial facilities on the island in five languages, English, traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. After downloading a dedicated application into their cell phone or other mobile device, the tourists can get real-time information by pointing the device at the relevant page in the guidebook.
The Okinawa Prefectural Government is scheduled to give out the guidebooks at the airport and Okinawa Prefecture overseas offices in addition to each Yui-rail station.

15:53 20 Jan , 2025