U.S. Navy sailor admits to raping tourist

Police investigators say that the U.S. Navy sailor under arrest on suspicion of raping a tourist from Fukuoka has admitted to the charge under questioning.

Naha Police arrested 24-year-old Justin Castellanos was arrested on Mar. 13th after he allegedly took a woman who had been sleeping in a hotel hallway to his room and raped her. After his arrest, Castellanos reportedly denied the charges.

Both had been staying in the same hotel but did not know each other, police said.

The incident has caused wide-spread protests, and the top U.S. commander on the island, Lt. Gen. Lawrence Nicholson paid a visit to Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga to apologize.

The Okinawa Prefectural Assembly also unanimously adopted a resolution Tuesday to protest the alleged rape. In its resolution the assembly demanded U.S. forces to tighten discipline and called for a drastic revision in the SOFA.

A large demonstration was also organized last weekend in front of the main Gate of Camp Schwab in Henoko to protest the rape.

  • John

    Another forced confession by Japanese law enforcement

    • Notsolucky

      Don’t forget the %95 conviction rate that follows most “confessions”!

      • Draftsman

        So, after seeing the vid of him dragging her, unconscious, into his room, you think this whole confession thing is a lie?

        • Notsolucky

          Lol!Once again you misinterpreted my words. I never said I saw the video,and I never said the confession was a lie,I do know that an astonishing number of people CONFESS while in Japanese police interrogation rooms.
          could have been a forced confession or it could well be he was shown video in question and had to fess up.
          If this guy is guilty then he deserves whatever punishment fits the crime.
          If he is not and was forced to admit guilt then he is owed an apology. I was not there,I don’t have all the facts,I am merely exercising my thoughts on the case.

          • Draftsman

            I’m not misinterpreting your words, I’m responding to a simple sentence. When you put a word like “confession” in quotation marks, that implies strongly that there was in fact no confession. That’s not an interpretation thing, that’s an English thing.

          • bob

            yea but what the hell does this have to do with SOFA nor that drastic of an incident either, Okinawans (meaning mainland agitators and Chinese sponsors) are only bitching because they have been granted the right to do so otherwise it would be curtains for them and they’d be silenced about the whole thing as this type or rape happens on the mainland and not a damn magnitude is brought up. What he should have done the damn idiot was to get a younger model than some over the hill washed barren woman

          • Draftsman

            What does it have to do with SOFA? Nothing. Nor did what I wrote have to do with camera equipment, housewares or the price of tofu.

            As for your insults directed at the rape victim… I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, bob, and assume that you are actually one of these “agitators” you speak of trying to make all Americans look bad.

          • bob

            No Americans make themselves look bad and set bad examples for everyone else to label all foreigners as rapists, thugs, etc. If one behaves and acts responsibly then there would be no issues. Rape victim, please, she did not complain until she was coerced into it by one of mainland/Chinese agitators. And please improve on your sarcasm and dont’ give me the political correct garbage that has ruined the US and only serves one purpose to weaken a great nation.

  • Notsolucky

    I never saw the video,they said he confessed so we only know what they said. If the guy is genuinely guilty then he should confess,all I am saying is %90 conviction rate means either the police are doing a good job or they will do whatever it takes to keep that rate high.

  • John

    Japan has a 99% conviction rate most come because of confessions! I do not know what happened but I do know that JP are notorious for forcing confessions

07:38 04 Oct , 2024