Navy imposes alcohol ban, sweeping curfew in all Japan

The U.S. Navy imposed Monday a sweeping curfew and stiff new regulations banning all drinking of alcohol among sailors throughout Japan, regardless of their rank or location.

The brass took the new steps to tighten discipline after a U.S. Navy petty officer was arrested in Kadena on suspicion of driving drunk against traffic on the wrong side of the road, crashing head-on into two oncoming minicars and injuring two people.

American sailors across Japan are now confined to their bases, and those who are living off base are allowed only to travel to and from work, schools, gas stations, grocery stores and the gym. The order prohibits all other activities. Civilian employees and family members are urged to observe the order voluntarily.

  • Slyck

    Yeah that’ll teach those pesky squids to not go out and drink alcohol!!! NOT!!!!
    will only lead to more problems!

  • Rob450

    Yes will only lead to more problems.

19:40 17 Feb , 2025