Locally born residents outnumber immigrants

According to a research by Tokyo Shoko Research, Ltd. (TSR), made public on Tuesday, the ratio of locally born residents in Okinawa compared to those who moved to the prefecture from other areas in the country was the largest in the nation for the sixth consecutive year.

TSR made the analysis because Okinawa’s geographical location attracts plenty of people to move into the prefecture, and its high rate of business entries due to the higher unemployment rate than average in Japan. Okinawa has the highest birthrate in the nation, and I one of the few prefectures that experiences a constant net increase in population.

94.26% of people residing in Okinawa prefecture were born here. In Aichi Prefecture, that is the second on the list, 89.78% were born there, followed by Hokkaido with 87.97%.



00:37 07 Feb , 2025