Majority of company presidents are from local universities

Tokyo Shoko Research conducted a survey among company presidents in Okinawa regarding their university education.

According to results, most of the presidents, 373 of them, were graduates from the University of the Ryukyus representing 25.7% of all. The second most common is Okinawa International University that had 295 (20.3%) presidents among its alumni, and the third is Okinawa University with 155 (10.7%) of presidents. The majority of company presidents in Okinawa graduated from these three local universities.

Nationwide, 24,136 company presidents graduated from Nihon University, the largest number in Japan. However, only 113 (7.8%) in Okinawa were graduates of that university placing it in the fourth place following the above three local universities.

Nihon University has produced the largest number of presidents in 20 prefectures of Japan, and only 9 prefectures including Okinawa do not include Nihon University in the top three.

A representative of Tokyo Shoko Research commented that it is quite unusual that the top three universities are all local.


23:08 22 Jan , 2025