Willcom Okinawa looking for “Y! mobile OKINAWA girl”

Willcom Okinawa, a local telecommunications subsidiary of SoftBank Corp., is looking to recruit a female campaign model “Y! mobile OKINAWA girl” to appear on TV commercials and perform at the company-sponsored events. The term of service for the selected applicant is two years starting Apr. 2017.

Ladies who are interested can apply on the company website. The deadline is Nov. 30.

Applicants must be residents of Okinawa Prefecture, between 13-19 years of age. An applicant should not be listed with any model agency or management office. Recommendations by the applicants themselves and by others will be considered. A parental consent is required.

A successful candidate to become the “Y! mobile OKINAWA girl” will be rewarded ¥300,000, and a person recommending the winner will be rewarded ¥200,000.

Rino Higa, a TV personality and a former “Y! mobile OKINAWA girl” from 2009 to 2011, said that, “Being the “Y! mobile OKINAWA girl” was a good social experience that allowed me to improve myself. So, please don’t be afraid to apply.”


10:40 27 Jul , 2024