Man catches bull shark at Chatan beach

After hearing about the sightings of a pair of bull sharks off a Mihama beach in Chatan that caused the closing of three beaches along the coast, Azusa Miyagi, a 22-year-old fisherman packed his rod and lures and went fishing. Saturday evening Miyagi got lucky and caught a 30kg, 1.5-meter-long bull shark that is now safely filleted in a freezer.

After watching the news in TV about the shark sightings, Miyagi went to the shore 19:30 on Saturday and cast his line. About 21:00 he caught the shark on his hook near Sunset Beach, and it took him about 10 minutes to reel the shark in.

Afterwards, Miyagi said, “I have caught before a shark weighing 100kg from a boat off Amami-Oshima, but I have never thought about catching a big one like this from the beach. I’m very thrilled.” On the other hand, he added, “the sharks that were spotted were supposedly bigger. There is a possibility that some other sharks may be there, so it is better not to go swimming yet.”

A bull shark is recognized to be dangerous to people. Three beaches, the Sunset and Araha Beaches in Chatan, and Tropical Beach in Ginowan have been closed over a week.


08:41 13 Feb , 2025