Toast of Awamori with 10,000 people

A committee organizing a simultaneous toast of Awamori with 10,000 people is calling for people to participate to the toast at 20:00 on Wednesday (Nov. 2).

Consumption of awamori has been on downward trend for years and the committee was organized by the industry to familiarize people with the liquor. So far more than 60 pubs, bars, restaurants and shops on Okinawa, and restaurants and private groups from Kanagawa, Saitama, and Osaka prefectures have signed up to participate. Miyuki Tomoyose, the Awamori Queen of 2016, is going to drink a toast at Yataimura on Kokusai Street in Makishi, Naha City with hundreds of people expected to participate.

Shipments of Awamori have been decreasing for eleven consecutive years, and volunteers who are enthusiastic about Awamori and representatives of Awamori makers, bars and restaurants have organized the event. They held the first similar event on Sep. 4th, which is named the day of Kusu (aged Awamori), and they are planning to have the second one to time with Nov. 1st that is named the Awamori Day.

Organizers have created a facebook group called “Awamori Kanpai” where participants are invited to post photos of them toasting in order to allow event organizers to calculate the total number.

The committee is planning to call for participation of Uchinanchu (people living overseas who have their roots in Okinawa) in the future.


08:29 13 Sep , 2024