OIST student magazine publishes first issue

Students of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) recently launched the first issue of the school student magazine “KUROSHIO”. Articles in the first issue included a review of local coffee shops, news of the day, interviews with OIST professors, and other topics related to the student life. The magazine reportedly received good reviews from OIST students.

To create the magazine was one of the obligatory subjects at the university, and a team of eight students and ten outside members worked together to complete the first issue. It took about six months to issue the inaugural issue that was published in September. A total of 400 copies of the B5-size full-color magazine were printed. Articles include a feature of a café recommended by students who like coffee, an introduction column about “Astro Boy” by students who like manga, travel reports of Okinawa’s remote islands, and other artcles with pictures and illustrations.

Saahil Acharya, s 22-year-old student from India, said with a grin, “It was hard to collect all the articles by the deadline,” but added, “However, it was enjoyable to create a magazine from scratch.”

Ripken Christina Hellen, a 36-year-old from Germany, who proposed the magazine name, said “KUROSHIO derives its name from the ocean current that passes by Okinawa as it travels northward. It brings life and wealth to Japanese people, and I hope this magazine will do the same for us and everybody else. It was well received at the debut in university teatime.”

The magazine will be issued three times a year, with the next one with more pages scheduled for January. It is all written in English, and everyone can read it also on the website www.kuroshiomag.com.


11:09 27 Jul , 2024