570,000 to take center test for university admissions

The National Center for University Admissions announced Wednesday that 575,966 students will take the annual center test for university admissions on Jan. 14 and 15. That is 12,198 more than a year ago.

6,169 students in Okinawa Prefecture will take the test, 106 more that in previous test.

471,841 or 81.9% of persons taking the test are 3rd grade high school students graduating this spring. In Okinawa, the 2017 graduates number 4,428 or 71.8% of the total.

The number students who are earlier high school graduates is 99,118 that is 2,664 more than in the previous test. 5,007 of those taking the test have a certificate for having achieved the proficiency level of upper secondary school graduates.

A record high number of 694 universities nation wide use the results of the center test in their admissions. 154 junior colleges use it. The center test will be held at 691 locations nationally.


08:16 13 Feb , 2025