Okinawa birth rate Japan’s highest 42 years in row

Okinawa Prefecture Public Health and Medical Policy Division made public the demographic statistics in Okinawa on fiscal 2016 on Monday.

Regarding the rate of births per 1,000 in resident population by the prefecture, Okinawa had the nationally highest rate for the 42nd consecutive year. At the same time, the death rate in the prefecture was the lowest for the 14th consecutive year. The natural increase and decrease showing the difference between births and deaths was 5,615 that is 603 more than the previous year. Its rate per 1,000 in resident population was 3.9, and is the highest of all prefectures of Japan. The nationwide average is minus 2.3. Only Tokyo, Aichi, and Shiga prefectures in addition to Okinawa have positive rates, meaning the population is increasing.

There were 16,941 births in the prefecture, 568 more than the previous year, and the rate per thousand is 11.9, which is a 0.3-point increase and 3.9 points higher than the national average.

The average rate of live births per woman stands at 1.96 that is 0.1 points higher than the previous year, and nationally the highest by 0.51 points. That rate has been the highest in Japan for 31 consecutive years.

11,326 people died that is 35 less than the previous year. Cancer was then number one killer with 3,122 deaths, followed by heart decease with 1,544 deaths, and pneumonia claimed 900.

The number of marriages was 8,695 that was 222 more than the previous year and it’s 2nd highest rate per 1,000 in the nation. The number of divorces was 3,603, which is 32 more than the previous year, and the nationally highest rate for the 12th consecutive year.

08:53 13 Feb , 2025