Okinawa businesses employ 3,697 persons with disabilities

According to Okinawa Labor Bureau statistics, Okinawan businesses with more than 50 employees are currently employing 3,697 persons who are physically, intellectually or mentally challenged. The number is the highest ever.

The Japanese law mandates that private businesses employ disabled persons for at least 2% of their work force. In exchange, the businesses are eligible for certain tax credits.

According to the Labor Bureau, the rate of the disabled in the work force in Okinawa stood at 2.34% as of June 1st this year, which is a slight increase from the year before. 60.4% of persons with disabilities were employed.

All but one in the 53 organizations in all government departments of Okinawa Prefecture reached the mandated rate of employment of the disabled, as of Sep. 1st.

Of private companies with 300 to 500 employees, 2.81 percent exceeded the average rate of employment of the disabled, while 2.83% of businesses with 500 to 1,000 employees were above the average. Almost half of the businesses operated in the medical welfare and retail industries.


16:24 17 Jan , 2025