Man arrested for selling two police uniforms on Internet

Police has arrested a 48-year-old man after he sold two police uniforms on an Internet auction site.

Investigators say Kouji Isoe was arrested on Mar. 17th, on suspicion of counterfeiting or unauthorized use of official insignia. Isoe is suspected of selling two of Prefectural Police uniforms complete with insignia on an Internet auction. The uniforms are real, and police are investigating how Isoe obtained them. They say it’s a possibility that he stole them.

According to the Police, Isoe has admitted the charges, however they are still investigating whether the insignia attached to the uniforms are real, and Isoe’s explanation where and how got them.

A witness who had seen the uniforms for sale on the auction site called police, who seized the uniforms from the bidder in order to confirm is they were genuine. The buyer had bought the two uniforms for ¥27,000 in total.

10:42 16 Feb , 2025