
Jul 27 ~ Aug 2


It would be best to postpone all meetings and important discussions until after the end of the month. If you don’t feel quite all right, you should concentrate on thinking as logically as possible placing emphasis on practical aspects of your everyday life. This weekend, you will be able to see the best side of your friends, and you can expect to have a tremendous weekend, during which you can show how good the times really could be.


During times like this, it could be possible that the unspoken aims and real goals of one of your colleagues come to light. If there’s something you are not happy with, the best course is to face the matter squarely and your head high. Your natural charm and sharp wits could very possible produce an ideal solution. How you face challenges could affect your future very much, so you must proceed with caution, and select your words carefully.


Over the next few days you will meet people you should pay careful attention to and listen to what they really say. You should give your undivided attention to your colleagues and friends. Because you can expect next week to be busy, you should have all important conversations before the weekend. You can expect to get many interesting facts and information that you haven’t noticed before, and decide how that has affected your actions.


Your astute intuition and the effects from Mercury and Saturn will boost your ability to make smart decisions. Although the best chances could come as surprises, it does not mean that you should hurry with your decisions. On the contrary, it would be better to take your time and think the matter thoroughly before making up your mind. There’s plenty of romance floating in the air around you, but is this the right time to devote your time to love?


You are in a spontaneous mood, and that will take you to new adventures and experiences. One of your friends is likely to give you a good advice, but do you take that seriously? Next week your mind could change, and you might think otherwise. Making plans for future does not seem to be in your schedule this time. Your intuition is not in balance, and that means that you should think carefully before making any suggestions.


You are no stranger to having good times, but this weekend the influence of planets Mars and Uranus could bring really exciting situations right in front of you. The weekend promises many surprises and plenty of romance, and afterwards you will likely wonder whether your heart could ever recover to its previous level of stability. But the right question should be, do you really want to. That’s something for you to think about.


Some of your responsibilities feel easier to take if you just take a more optimistic attitude. The thing to remember is that talk is easy but nothing happens if you don’t do it. The toughest part is to start but once you get going, it’s not that hard at all. You could think that you should take some rest and relaxation, but now is not the right time. Maybe a week or two later would be better when everything has become clearer.


Someone among your friends or colleagues is letting out some steam, but you should not take that personally. It’s only noise in the background. Taking a practical stance would be the best way to get over the bumps ahead. There’s no reason to spend a lot of money this weekend to have a good time with your lover. A walk in a park hand in hand and some other simple activities would do well enough, an you both would enjoy more.


This weekend your heart is at home in domestic activities. If you wanted to invite some friends for drinks and barbecue, that would be a good idea to cheer you up. After the weekend you will hear some very good news that are likely to spring a few good ideas, but you should thread carefully. This weekend promises to be full of fun and play, and you can thank the energy from planet Mars and the open mind of your loved ones for that.


The influence of planet Mars is making you feel impatient. You want to have a new start, and are almost to a point where you are ready to throw away everything you think you don’t need any more. Should you finally tell a certain person about your true feelings? You are so busy that it’s almost a chaos around you, and you should stop and take a breath. But you should pay special attention to anything that has to do with money.


During the coming week you are at your best socially, and this is a good opportunity to have meetings, organize your household and use your charm in general. However, this weekend will bring all kinds of passions to the surface, and you have to keep in mind that you can’t take back words that you say. So, think before you open your mouth. If you feel that events are overwhelming you, you must give yourself time to rest and recover.


This week is the beginning of new beginnings. But before you mount on your high horse and start charging towards challenges, take a good measure on the facts. Think if someone is trying to aggravate you on purpose, and if so, why? Especially, you should avoid wasting money when you try to resolve a frustrating situation. That’s money you can’t expect to recover. A new beginning needs a new perspective, and that’s for you to figure out.


10:19 27 Jul , 2024