High school student scores professional surfer status

Kazuma Miyagi, a 3rd grade student of Kadena High School, became an officially recognized professional surfer after scoring 12 points in the 3rd match of Yumeya Surfing Games Tahara Open Professional Trials.

The feat gained him the qualification to be a professional recognized by the Nippon Surfing Association. So far only three persons from Okinawa have earned the qualification of professional, and Miyagi is the first in 18 years since 1999.

The surfing competition is held with four persons participate in each round. Two best scores of two rides are added in each round. To earn the qualification of professional, one needs to score more than 12 points in one round, or win a slot to participate in the 3rd round or higher.

Miyagi scored 8 points in his first ride, 4 points for the second, and thus met the criteria. Miyagi said, “I am glad that my dream has come true, but this is just the beginning. I would like to be the champion and become a professional who is respected by children.”

10:14 27 Jul , 2024