Tokashiki Seal found dead

A seal discovered off Tokashiki Island on Jun. 24th, was found dead in the morning of the 28th.

According to the Tokashiki Fishermen’s Cooperative, there were no external wounds on the seal when it was found. The carcass was taken to the Okinawa Churaumi Auqarium for an x-ray and CT scan to determine the cause of its death.

Tokashiki Fishermen’s Cooperative office worker, 47-year-old Tamotsu Gakiya says he feels sad. “I was looking forward to the seal to appear unexpectedly again on our shore somewhere. It’s too bad it dies. It was such cheerful news for the whole island. For the time being, I have no other words.”

  • Larry Muse

    As I Seal, do not compete with the local fishermen!

21:08 04 May , 2024