Good Rockin’ Tonight!! at Output

The Mack Show plays at Club Output, Sunday.

Twist and Shout! They remind you the Beatles in their younger days. Japanese top Rock and Roll band the Mack Show is coming to Okinawa, Sunday, for a super-charged Rock’n’Roll show to prove that one does not have to have been living in the 50’s and 60’s to get the vibes right to show how it used to be done back then.

The Mack Show consists of just three members vocalist Kozzy Iwakawa, Tommy Kanda at bass and drummer Bike Boy, but their sound makes anyone twist and shout.

Leather jackets, ducktail hairstyles and good rockin’ 50’s, 60’s American Rock’n Roll sounds, that’s the recipe. The Mack Show goes on stage at Output live house in Naha this Sunday starting 7:30 p.m. The club opens half an hour earlier. The location of the club is at

The Junky Jap Dogs, a local rock and roll band from Okinawa plays as the opening act.

To warm up for Sunday’s high-energy show, Kozzy Iwakawa and Tommy Kanda are joining Okinawan musicians for a little gentler 50’s 60’s tunes at Output on Saturday. Tickets are ¥3,000 each day plus one drink at the venue. Tickets for an access on both days cost ¥5,000. For more information in Japanese, see

23:15 02 May , 2024