Former Marine confesses to strangling missing woman

According to Okinawa Prefectural Police investigators, the 32-year-old former U.S. Marine, who was arrested Thursday on suspicion of dumping the body of a 20-year-old Rina Shimabukuro, has admitted to strangling her.

Police identified the arrested as Kennets Franklin Shinzato, an American former Marine, who was currently working as a civilian contractor on Kadena Air Base. He is living in Yonabaru Town with his wife and child.

Investigators say they have found DNA matching the victim in the suspect’s car. They suspect that Shinzato strangled the woman, and then dumped her body in a wooded area in Onna Village. Based on Shinzato’s confession, police found Shimabukuro’s corpse under roadside undergrowth.

Police are planning to charge Shinzato with murder once they conduct a mandatory autopsy to identify the cause of the death.

The murder came to a sensitive time to the Japanese Government just ahead of the Group of Seven leaders’ summit in Mie Prefecture. The government summoned U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy to the Foreign Ministry and the top U.S. military commander in Japan, Lt. Gen. John Dolan to the Defense Ministry to lodge protests over the incident.

Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga who has been at loggerheads with the central government over the planned relocation of the MCAS Futenma to Henoko, was returning from a trip to the U.S. and spoke of “extreme sorrow” and “anger” when he met reporters at Narita Airport. He urged U.S. and Japanese officials to listen to the people of Okinawa regarding the Futenma relocation issue. “This incident has occurred precisely because the bases are on Okinawa,” Onaga said.

Lt. Gen. Lawrence Nicholson, the top commander of the U.S. military on Okinawa, also phoned Okinawa Vice Governor Mitsuo Ageda to apologize for the arrest.

  • Chrism

    Former “Marine” Onaga……you idiot! The General owes no apology.

    • Taka2

      Technically, no he doesn’t owe an official apology, but politically, there is no option not to.

  • ListenUp

    Apply just a little logic and you will see that his actions could not have been more premeditated.

    1, No link has been uncovered to indicate that the victim and perpetrator knew each other; by all indications, they were perfect strangers when they crossed paths that fateful night.

    2. She texted her boyfriend saying she was going for a walk.

    3. He was driving in an area far off the beaten path from both his home and his place of work, or any where in between, on a Thursday night. The area of her last cell phone transmission is NOT residential; rather it is a warehouse area with hundreds of acres of vacant, undeveloped land–much of that area is just miles and miles of paved streets laced among overgrown vegetation, and little else. Even the warehouse area is all but deserted after about 9 PM.


    1. Since she was out for a walk, it stands to reason that she would not be looking for, nor accepting, a ride from someone–especially not a perfect stranger. She did not get in his car voluntarily.

    2. He specifically chose that area because it was secluded–he correctly surmised that no one would hear her cries for help, thereby diminishing the chances of him getting caught in the act. He was there for one purpose — to hunt for someone vulnerable to prey upon, much the same way a hungry lion will prey on an animal that gets separated from the herd. The difference here is that a lion only kills for food; this guy abducted and killed that young woman for pleasure. As far as I am concerned, good police work nabbed a would-be serial killer after his first kill; before he could kill again.

    The bottom line: This guy is pure evil and should be tried, convicted, and put down as soon as humanly possible! Video of his hanging, the method of execution in Japan, should be made available to those who wish to watch it. There is no way this animal should ever be allowed another day of life or freedom; he has already enjoyed way too much of both after having killed that innocent, young woman. Further, he should not be allowed to become a lifelong prison resident, further burdening taxpayers. Being totally worthless and of no future value, he should be put to death expeditiously and publicly.

    I know some of you bleeding-heart liberals will disagree with me, but I also know that if his victim had been your young daughter — your flesh and blood — you would cast your vote for his execution!

    • Slyck

      Don’t forget that this guy had a suitcase and a knife!
      In all likelihood he could have been planning this for a long time,might have been watching her for weeks.
      Still can’t understand why a man with a wife and baby at home would be out commiting such a heinous and deplorable act.

  • T.J. Taylor

    American contract employee not DoD civilian or a civilian employee.

04:57 07 May , 2024