Slackline challenges sense of balance and provides good workout

Anyone can try slacklining this Sunday at the park at Araha beach for free.

Anyone can try slacklining this Sunday at the park at Araha beach for free.

Slacklining is one of the new trends of street workouts that is gaining popularity in various parts of the world including Japan.

Slacklining is easier than it looks and suitable for people of any age.

Slacklining is easier than it looks.

Persons engaged in slacklining walk or balance along a suspended length of flat webbing that is suspended between two anchor points such as tree trunks. It’s similar to wire or tightrope walking that everyone has seen in a circus or TV, but differs in that the flat webbing used is not tight nor is it high in the air.

In any case it gives the practitioner a good workout as he or she tries to navigate the rope and, at the same time, not to fall off.

An event featuring a demonstration in slacklining takes place at Araha beach this Sunday, Nov. 13, from 11:00 to 19:00.

SWJ (Street Workout Japan) and SWO (Street Workout Okinawa) are organizing the public event where experienced slackliners demonstrate the right moves that the public can then try for themselves.

A burrito party will be held at the same time at the beach.

A burrito party will be held at the same time at the beach.

Aficionados of the activity say the basics are easy to learn for anybody. At the event, instructors teach how to perform simple stretches prior to en activity to loosen up the body in order to avoid injury.

The organizations have run the event private before, but as many people have shown interest and wanted to join they decided to organize a public event to which everyone is welcome. No special gear is necessary in addition to normal sport wear. Everyone should bring a bottle of water or sports drink as one can expect to sweat a lot.

A burrito party will be held at the same time at the venue.

SWJ (Street Workout Japan) and SWO (Street Workout Okinawa) have workouts at Araha Beach every Sunday from 16:00 to 18:00 during summertime and 15:00 to 17:00 during winter, and everyone is free to join the fun.

Information on the workouts is also on the organizations’ facebook page.

Any place with a couple of trees or posts to string a line between, is good for slacklining.

Slacklining is suitable for people of any age, and any place with a couple of trees or posts to string a line between, is good for practice.


01:01 08 May , 2024