Okinawa-based MSDF sailor arrested for assault

Police in Miyako, Iwate Prefecture, arrested a 21-year-old male Maritime Self-Defense Force sailor who lives in Toma district of Naha City and his 23-year-old 4th year university student brother on charges of an assault causing an injury, Jan. 5.

Police say Shogo Otani and his brother attacked a 23-year-old company employee on a parking lot in Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture in the evening of Jan. 4, hitting the victim on the face causing an injury.

According to Miyako Police, the two men were visiting their parents for New Year holidays, and got into a quarrel involving one of their friends.

  • SBOR

    Why is this news seems like just a quarrel and somebody got punch for instagating a fight.

    • BlahJU

      JU just can’t win. People whine and cry when they cover an incident involving a military member claiming it’s biased and “the locals do even more” and then when JU covers a story of a similar magnitude that involves “the locals”, people complain that it doesn’t seem newsworthy.

      • SBOR

        You know your right JU should print news that is news worthy and not whatever gets put on the police blotter.

        • BlahJU

          The majority of stories on JU come from Japanese wire services which they translate. This is a story here because it was a story in a local paper. I guarantee you that if they didn’t run a story like this though, some thin skinned, Amur’ca F-Yeah!, motard would come in here crying about bias and unfairness again. Just look at any article that mentions a military member for examples.

      • Michelle

        okay you win

      • Budd_Weiser

        Lets be clear about this, the sailor involved was a “Japanese” Sailor from the Mainland of Japan, not an American Military Person. Second, the crime occurred on the mainland of Japan not on Okinawa. People whine and cry when they cover an incident involving a military member? What? So I guess for BlahJU, Rapers, Robberies, Assaults on 13 year old kids are not a reason to whine and cry. Well when someone in your family in whatever country come from is assaulted, raped or beaten, I sure hope you do not whine and cry. Military People as I was and am a Veteran, do not accept crimes of any type. Maybe you get used to the number of murders, rapes and other major crimes that go on in the USA but in Asia it is not so frequent and locals do not commit crimes equal to what foreign military do so let us be clear about what you are talking about versus what you actually know.

        • BlahJU

          I think you misunderstood my point. I agree with you. If you look at almost any article here that talks about something a US service member did, there’s usually some people commenting about how unfair it is of JU to run that story and how biased this paper is. It’s a ridiculous accusation. Those people are the whiners and criers I was talking about and they are the same people who say things like “how come JU doesn’t cover crimes the locals commit?” (ignoring the fact that JU does run articles about those). Now here’s JU running an article about a Japanese on Japanese crime and SBOR comes here saying it’s not newsworthy. That’s why I said JU just can’t win [with the commenters here].

  • Michelle

    Put all of them on lockdown. It’s the only solution.

19:58 02 May , 2024