Kachimba expands horizons from music to food

By Mana Komatsu The salsa music band Kachimba 1551 is expanding Okinawan horizons beyond music to introduce locals to cooking green bananas.

Calling it “Latin culture experience learning”, Kachimba wants to teach how to cook with green bananas next weekend. Green banana is popular in Central and South America and Africa because of the good quality of glucide. In those regions, the banana is utilized in the similar way to vegetables and potatoes like vegetable papaya.

Sometimes green banana is eaten as a staple diet heated before eating. They have banana not only as fruits but also as vegetables. If you haven’t tasted green banana food, it is worth experiencing bananas with recipes is not used usually, or when and traveling into foreign culture.

English-speaking staff will be working on this event, which costs ¥1,000 to participate. The cooking lesson is Saturday, September 22nd, 6 p.m.~8p.m at a restaurant “Caribbean Cafe Bar Mil Besos” in Futenma, Ginowan city. The venue “Caribbean Cafe Bar Mil Besos” is a world music restaurant. Convivial atmosphere prevails there, and there are plenty of world and Caribbean music and food experiences from Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, and Dominica.

The sponsor, Latin band Kachimba1551 was formed as an Okinawan salsa band in 1998. The specialist group consists of 10 musicians and vocalist. They play salsa music based on Cuban salsa, but their music is not only Cuban, they absorb folk songs from Okinawan culture and make passionate music.

Reservations to the cooking class are accepted only Fax or E-mail. Necessary information is your name, birthday, age, address, phone number, e-mail address, and if the participant is underage, parental consent will be needed. Application deadline is September 21st. Reservations will be closed immediately, after reaching the fixed available slots of 20. Fax number is (098) 943-0881. E-mail address kachimba1551@kind. ocn.ne.jp and the Contact person is Munakata.

23:21 07 Sep , 2024