Osaka Dixieland highlights Jazz in Nanjo

The 7th annual Jazz in Nanjo event is again lending color to late summer in Nanjo city, promoting jazz with a mingling of both young and veteran musicians.

This time, an energetic Dixieland jazz band from Osaka, the South Side Jazz Band will appear. Organizers say the South Side Jazz Band has performed stateside, and was well received during performances in Chicago.

Another group performing for the public is “Ti-ras”, putting forth a blend of mellow sounds by using many kinds of ethnic instruments. A jazz orchestra from The University of the Ryukyus, “MOJO”, will appear, and organizers predict they will heat up the venue for sure! More excitement comes from a local junior high school in Nanjo City; the brass band club from Sashiki Junior High School will realize their dream while in collaboration with South Side Jazz Band.

The variety Jazz Festival from Nanjo City is open to the public on September 9th, with the performance starting at 6 p.m. The festival takes place at the Nanjo City Culture Center Sugar Hall, and Tsukishiro Open Space.

General admission tickets are \2,000 in advance, or \2,500 at door. Nanjo City’s residents pay only \1,500. High school age tickets are \1,500 in advance, or \2,000 at door. Nanjo City’s residents pay \1,200. Elementary and junior high school students pay ¥ 1,000 in advance, or \1,500 at door, except Nanjo City’s students, who pay \800. Pre-school age kids are free.

15:02 27 Jul , 2024