Jazz & wine take center stage at Hai Sai Market

The weekend jazz performance starts at 2 p.m. each day from Friday through Sunday.

The weekend’s theme at Hai Sai Market on the east of Kokusai Street is “Let’s enjoy wine and jazz at the open air café.”

The three-day event runs Saturday through Monday, 11:30 a.m. ~ 7:30 p.m., with stage programs beginning at 2 p.m. The action’s at Saion Square, 2-1-1 Asato, in Naha City.  Visitors can dabble in the wines of the world, along with a variety of snacks including kebabs and hot dogs.  The jazz band begins playing each day at 2 p.m., with their shows billed as “Hai Sai Market with Jazz Night in Naha.”

Saion Square was born as a central development adjacent to Kokusai Street in 2011.  For the city, it was designed as a place striving to generate prosperity in the central district.  The Hai Sai Market is a citizen participation exchange type market, including flea market, at the open space in front of Makishi Station in Saion Square.

Naha Saion Square is located by the Naha Urban Monorail Makishi Station.

Citizens participate freely, held by the concept in the market which allows change.  There’s not only entertainment, such as variety shows, but also song and dance centered on the plaza.

07:27 07 Oct , 2024