Miyagiya Bluespot brings Seoul fashion to Okinawa

Miyagiya Bluespot showcases Korean fashions and magazines through Sunday.

Insights into the world of entertainment, fashion and art from the Korean perspective are being presented through this weekend at Miyagiya Bluespot.

The Miyagiya Bluespot editorial shop collaboration has a goal of developing crafts of Okinawa, while exposing the island to East Asian thoughts, fashion and art.  The new works from Seoul, the fashion and cultural capital of north Asia, are being presented a the free show at Miyagiya Bluespot at 2-12-22 Matsuo in Naha City through Sunday.

Works available for sale at the shopfront include entertainment, fashion and art items, as well as high quality magazines from Seoul which are not sold in Japan.  Those magazines include BLINK, ELOQUENCE and ART & SEOUL, all about art, AROUND and Green Mind, feature lifestyles, and OhBOY! And CRACKER, dedicated to fashion.  There are also a set of fashion brands for sale, including 8IGHT SECONDS, kitty bunny pony, THE COUPLE, Vol, and Brucelee.

The Miyagiya-Bluespot official website is http://magasin-miyagiya.com/

18:42 08 Sep , 2024