Seniors go back to school to complete education

In the chaos on Okinawa after the war, many children were not able to finish school or attend at all, and have a mandatory education.

But better late than never. A special school to correct the matter opened Oct 8 in Makabe Community Center in Itoman City. According to Okinawa Board of Education, seven students, all in their 70s and 80s, enrolled. Classes will be held three days a week for a period of two and half years, after which the students will receive their diplomas.

Ten retired professors from non-profit organization Sanwa Human Resource Development will teach classes on nine subjects including Ryukyu history, math, sanshin, and Japanese.

78-year-old student Kikue Teruya said eagerly, “I am so excited. I can’t wait to learn how to use a computer and send email to my grandchildren.”

The Okinawa Board of Education started the project in 2011 in Naha and Okinawa City, and now Itoman is the 3rd location in the program. The school will accept students until March 2014.

For more information, contact non-profit organization Sanwa Human Resource Development at 098-994-1791.

01:42 07 Feb , 2025