TEDxRyukyu speaker Dr. Gong Ping Yeh

By Edo Heinrich-Sainchez

Dr. Gong Ping Yeh

This week, we would like to introduce to you another TEDxRyukyu speaker: Dr. Gong Ping Yeh, better known among friends as “G.P.”

His first presentation I heard was in Hawaii at the first Hawaii World Uchinanchu Business (WUB) meeting in 1997.  G.P. was talking about possibilities and wonders of a planned new institute for science in Okinawa.  Since then that concept has become a reality led by the efforts of key world leaders in science.  His talk along with others will be available on line soon at http://www.tedxryukyu.com

Dr. Yeh has been a high energy physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory since 1985. 
 Born in Taiwan, he studied at Christ the King High School (CKS) in Okinawa. His education includes MIT BS, Caltech MS, MIT PhD. He is an American Physical Society Fellow and Okinawa Goodwill Ambassador. Dr. Yeh’s work and contributions include the discovery of the top quark, pioneering large scale computing using Linux, and new Hadron Particle Therapy centers in Illinois, Taiwan and other countries. He has served as a member of the Republic of China Taiwan’s Presidential Science and Technology Advisory Committee, and as Special Advisor to Japan’s Minister of Science and Technology Policy to create Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.

In addition to his continuing work for future Lepton Colliders and further advancing particle therapy, his research and interests in sustainable energy include solar, wind, bio fuels, energy efficiencies, and ocean energy. In recent years, he has focused on Accelerator Driven System and Thorium energy as a new source of energy. Dr. Yeh has served internationally as an adviser for Hadron Particle Therapy and for sustainable energy. More at http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/cd/gp.html

This week we welcome to Okinawa High School students from mainland on their school trip. These UNESCO School students will participate to the cleanup of the Manza Beach area, Thursday, Nov. 21st. Volunteers are welcome. The cleanup starts 14:30.

Thank you to all the volunteers who have participated this year.  The “I Love Okinawa Campaign® starts on World Oceans Day, June 8th, and ends March 5th, the Okinawa Coral Day.  We follow the Japanese fiscal year calendar from April 2013 to March 2014.  For December and January we will be working on accounting and reporting this year’s activities.  Please do not hesitate to contact edo@okinawaocean.org for any questions on cleanups.

Next week we will feature Ms. Pille Pirn from Estonia, the Asia Region Director for Let’s Do It World Cleanup.

  • Masahiro Kyushima

    Just a correction. TEDxRyukyu never had a workshop in the event. Having a workshop in any TEDx is prohibited by TED. Dr. G.P. Yeh was a speaker at our event just as all other 14 speakers.

    Masahiro Kyushima
    TEDxRyukyu chief organizer

11:03 16 Jan , 2025