“Our Blue Planet” play still looking for help

By E. Heinrich-Sanchez

“Our Blue Planet” play and music performance takes place Jun. 13 in Kadena Town and Jun. 14 in OIST auditorium.

June is Environment month and also happens to be World Oceans Month.  The “Our Blue Planet” play with music is still looking for helpers and sponsors.  Please see posters for some of the cast. This play is based on the Earth Charter.

The Earth Charter is a core document on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).  Later this month, the Japan Ministry of Environment (MOE) will host the Expert Conference on Development of Island’s Sustainable Societies.  Of special interest is the SIDE EVENT on June 30th Monday, “Introduction to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

The Program is at http://www.env.go.jp/nature/biodic/ecdisso2014/en/index.html

I encourage teachers to attend this session.  Simultaneous interpreting will be provided.

In order for us to adjust our society towards a sustainable future, we need to plant the seeds of ESD in children growing up today.  The most exciting thing I have heard recently is about he concept of “SOLAR Highways”.  The You Tube presentation of this is hilarious and amazing.  Please take a look.

On June 9th ” The Life is a Treasure – Nuchi Du Takara” Committee will celebrate the one year anniversary of unveiling the “Hinpun”  wall or gate which traditionally served as  entrance.  This “Hinpun” was built right before the small walk bridge to the “Cornerstone of Peace” Memorial.  There is a translation on the back.  Please take a look upon your next visit to Itoman.

UPDATE: The Okinawa Prefecture Assembly continues its investigation on the management of Okinawa AMICUS International School by the Obunsha Inc.  President and Chairman Mr. Fumio Akao was originally called in to testify but has decided to have Principal Arakawa testify on his behalf. on June 9th.   I am planning on doing a series on this theme and would welcome all writers, teachers, parents and administrators to join in on creating a common “and sustainable future” at the school and Okinawa.  Transparency will lead to new levels of understanding.

The E and S in ESD in my opinion also must stand for the E of English, Engineering.  The S of Science and the D of “Do it”

Do your part!  If any one would like to join the performances please contact Ms. Iko Ogawa at people@classiclive-un.org

Comments welcome to edo@okinawaocean.org

09:58 16 Jan , 2025